Tuesday, July 1, 2008

This is probably why I hate snow!!!

Every once in a while a title comes out that infuriates you, cheats you, excites you and hands your butt to you on a silver platter, makes you throw your controller in frustration and then has you picking it up for more. This my friends is called an ADDICTION. And "Lost Planet Extreme Condition" is the game that will be your pusher man. This game will slap you around like a hooker and make you go out and earn its money. It will piss you off with the boss fights but you WILL come back for more. It will excite you with its game play and when you finally beat the bosses on the various levels you WILL jump up from your seat yelling "YEAH WHO'S YOUR DADDY NOW (ADD YOUR OWN EXPLICATIVE HERE)!!!" while your children will look at you as if you are their abductor, not their parent and your spouse will scoop up your children and head to mothers for safety. Yeah this game is that good.

The (story???) hahaha of the game is a joke. but the game makes up for it in so many ways. One of the best features of this game is the use of the grappling hook you have that will enable you to get to high ground or run along walls once you hone your skill.

The story takes place on a planet where it snows 27/7 and the only way to keep alive is to obtain thermal packs left by the enemies you kill.

Th graphics in this game are TIIIGHT!!!! Movement in the snow is slow and realistic the sound of the wind howling all around you in surround sound is just plain erie. The weapons are cool but nothing you haven't seen before..standard machine gun , rocket launchers,shot guns, grenades, sticky grenades(these are actually kinda cool) .

The monsters in the game are fierce and many but the boss battles ...Good lord...their epic man..they are frustrating and satisfying at the same time...just don't forget to reload on these levels or you will have your butt handed to ya....guaranteed!! The musical score of the game is ok but not as strong as it could've been...it you have a hard drive on your console then you can listen to what ever you want while playing ...I had the lord of the rings soundtrack going while I played.

Forget renting this game its a buy and a definite steal at 30.00

score...game play 9
graphics 10
story hahaha 5
total avg 8

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